Living with your autistic child is like walking on eggshells. They sleep badly, they cling to you and they have extreme reactions to seemingly small events. They are very scared of particular things, and you aren't really sure why.
You worry that they are traumatised - but you don't know what to do about it, and you're not sure what actually happened to affect them like this.
Naomi will explain how trauma affects the brain - and why understanding trauma in autism requires us to look beyond major traumatic events to understand the person's individual experience.
You’ll leave with a better understanding of why your child reacts the way they do, and some practical ideas to help.
I'm Dr Naomi Fisher. I'm a clinical psychologist. That means I'm a psychologist who specialises in mental health and behaviour, and I work with a lot of young people and their families.
This course is for young people and also their parents if they want to watch. It's about burnout recovery for young people.
Using videos from a young person called Chloe ("Me Just Me" on YouTube), and with original illustrations by Eliza Fricker ( ) I'll describe burnout through the metaphor of a road vehicle.
When our vehicle navigates too many obstacles without enough maintenance, we start to show wear and tear. We get less able to cope with stress. We find it harder to keep calm and we're more affected by change and challenge. And sometimes we break down altogether.
I'll define burnout so you can see if it applies to you, and I'll describe some of the things that you can to keep you safely on the road.
Chloe will describe how hard she finds things once her 'bucket is full', and how she can help to keep her bucket from filling up.
I'll talk about the four main stages in recovering from burnout and what you need to support you in this recovery.
I'll talk about how you can be easier on yourself, and how you can start making the first small steps to recover from burnout.
This course is available to watch for 12 months after purchase.
It is suitable for children with and without a diagnosis
Total running time: 1 hour 33 mins
Dr Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist and author. She specialises in trauma, autism and alternative approaches to education. She is registered with the HCPC. This course is not therapy and should not be used as a replacement for therapy.
In this mini course Naomi will talk about school trauma, how it occurs, what makes it worse and how parents can help. You'll leave with a new understanding of what has gone on for your child, why they are still affected by the past, and some ideas of what to do. This course will combine psychological theory with practical strategies and ideas.
Dr Naomi Fisher, clinical psychologist, will share with you how trauma and loss affect children and what their parents can do to help. With various handouts to download and extra audios, this course is a comprehensive and practical resource to help you support your child.
Many autistic children are anxious. Dr Naomi Fisher, clinical psychologist, will help you understand some of the reasons and will show you some ways you might be able to support your child. You will leave with a better understanding of what might be going on, and some ideas as to how you as the parent can help.
Some children and young people seem to withdraw from life. Their anxiety becomes so severe that anything which might have helped seemed to make things worse. They may find it hard to come out of the bedrooms or to leave the house. Parents are left not knowing what to do next. Naomi will help you to think about severe anxiety through the lens of the nervous system and give you some practical ideas to help your child.
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