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Low Demand Parenting

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Some children haven’t read the parenting manuals. They are devastatingly consistent, set firm boundaries for their parents and any time you try a parenting technique, you find it used right back at you with. ‘I’m counting to 3…’ they say, when you refuse to buy another ice cream, and you’re left wondering how you ended up here.

It’s not your fault. You have the wrong books. Some children need something different, and in fact, for them, traditional parenting methods (like the naughty step, or time out, or sticker charts) make things worse.

In this popular series, Naomi teams up with Eliza Fricker, illustrator and author, to create The Art of Low Demand Parenting. It’s for children (and adults) who need something different.


All 10 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series

Image for All 10 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £180.00

This bundle gives you all 10 webinar recordings from Activate Your Parenting through to What About Me? They are updated when new low demand parenting webinars are hosted. Recordings are available to watch for 12 months after purchase.

First 5 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series

Image for First 5 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £100.00

The bundle contains the following 5 webinar recordings: 1. Activate Your Parenting 2. Communication 3. Behaviour 4. Emotions 5. The Real World They are updated when new low demand parenting webinars are hosted. Recordings are available to watch for 12 months after purchase.

6-10 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series

Image for 6-10 in The Art Of Low Demand Parenting series
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £100.00

This bundle gives you the second 5 webinar recordings in the Low Demand Parenting series. It contains: 6. Other People 7. Screens 8. School 9. The Future 10. What About Me? They are updated when new low demand parenting webinars are hosted. Recordings are available to watch for 12 months after purchase.

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Activate Your Parenting

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Activate Your Parenting
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated with a new version in 2024, Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker will show you how low demand parenting is anything but 'doing nothing' and help you see your way through to creating a happy family life. It will be reassuring, positive and free of blame or shame.

The Art Of Low Demand Parenting: Communication

Image for The Art Of Low Demand Parenting: Communication
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated for 2024! It's hard to be a parent when your child doesn't respond to mainstream techniques. We'll show you a different way in this new and updated webinar recording.

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Behaviour

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Behaviour
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated for 2024! Some children just don't respond to conventional approaches to behaviour. What do you do when the naughty step makes things worse?

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Emotions

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Emotions
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated for 2024! Some children are highly sensitive to emotions and pressure, and parenting them takes a whole new skillset. Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker explain why many mainstream parenting approaches can make things worse and how to parent to help your child learn to manage their emotions.

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: The Real World

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: The Real World
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated for 2024! What do you do when mainstream parenting makes things worse - but you still need to live in the real world?

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Other People

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Other People
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Dr Naomi Fisher and Eliza Fricker take on tutting in the supermarket, disapproval in the playground, and grandparents who can't see why you don't insist on Saying Please. And they'll discuss what happens when parents disagree about the right approach, or when professionals get involved.

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Screens

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: Screens
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Updated for 2024! How do you manage screen time, when your child doesn't play by the parenting rules?

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: School

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: School
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

How can you be low demand parents, whilst your child goes to school? What can you do to take the pressure off and give them the space to thrive? That's what we'll be discussing in this new webinar.

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: What About the Future?

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: What About the Future?
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

Some children are pressure-sensitive. They react to traditional parenting methods in unexpected ways. The more their parents try to set firm boundaries or implement reward systems, the worse things get.  

The Art of Low Demand Parenting: What About Me?

Image for The Art of Low Demand Parenting: What About Me?
Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  £30.00

How can you make space for yourself, whilst also doing the best you can for your children? How can you make sure your own needs matter, when your child's needs are so high that they can't be put aside? Is it even possible for life to feel more sustainable?


The Teenager's Guide to Burnout Finding the Road to Recovery An essential guide for all teenagers experiencing stress and burnout

The Teenager's Guide to Burnout Finding the Road to Recovery
BOOK Paperback, E-Book Published on December 5, 2024

These are signs that you are experiencing burnout - your battery has taken a battering and you are running on empty. Many people think burnout only happens to adults, but it's something lots of teenagers experience too.

This book will help you to understand what burnout is, how you got there and what you can do to get back to a life you enjoy.

Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  Burnout, Low Demand Parenting

When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse Parenting for Children (and Adults) Who Need Something Different

When the Naughty Step Makes Things Worse
BOOK Paperback, E-Book, Audiobook Published on October 3, 2024

A down-to-earth illustrated guide for parents of children who just haven't read the parenting books.

Some children just haven't read the parenting books. The harder you try, the worse it gets. There's a hidden contract at the heart of parenting. It's the idea that if parents just get it right, their children can be made to do what they want. Manuals explain how to make it very clear to your children what you want them to do - and how to respond when they don't cooperate.

Dr Naomi Fisher,  Eliza Fricker  Low Demand Parenting, Screens