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14 Feb

Burnt out by Parenting? with Dr Naomi Fisher

Image for Burnt out by Parenting? with Dr Naomi Fisher

Parenting is hard work, and this is particularly true when parenting a child with additional needs. You spend your time fighting the system for what they need and the demands can be relentless. There's never time to stop and reflect before the next crisis begin.

Over time, this takes its toll and you start to get used to feeling chronically stressed. Even when things go well, you can't relax. You are always tired, but you can't sleep well. You don't enjoy anything anymore. You feel like life is passing you by and it's hard to take joy in anything. You can't talk to anyone else, because it feels like they are on a different planet.

Parenthood wasn't meant to be like this. You're burnt out by the demands, and the thing is, you can't take a break from parenting. There's no option of taking some time off to recover. You can't renegotiate your hours.

In this new webinar, Dr Naomi Fisher, clincial psychologist, will talk about parental burnout. What is it, might you have it and how can you start to recover, whilst continuing to meet the needs of your children?

Drawing on her clinical experience of working with parents as well as the psychological theory, this webinar will help you feel heard and seen, and give you some ideas as to how to start to turn things around.

This webinar will be recorded. Please choose that option at check out if you wish to watch a recording.

Dr Naomi Fisher is a UK clinical psychologist registered with the HCPC. She has a doctorate in clinical psychology and a Phd in autism, both from Kings College London. She specialises in trauma, autism and alternative education. She is the author of several books, including The Teenager's Guide to Burnout with Eliza Fricker. She has over 18 years clinical experience in the NHS, third sector and private practice.

Participants from previous webinars said:

"Naomi's insight into children needs to be shared far and wide.That she can not only help children and families but also break down the information into easily digested bitesize nuggets illustrates her phenomenal level of understanding and skill."

"This has been the most useful thing I have had since my Son was 4 and he is now 14. Thank you."

"It felt hopeful because it pointed to a pathway out of the situation we’re in. Such a relief to have her feelings and my experience of her behaviour validated."

This webinar is not therapy or a replacement for therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

This webinar is hosted on Zoom. Please make sure you have Zoom installed. We will email you a reminder 2 hours before the event and 10 minutes before, with the Zoom meeting link

Yes, if you choose the webinar + recording option you can watch it in your own time, up to 30 days after the webinar

We'll send a link by the morning after the webinar

You can watch the recording for 30 days after the webinar
