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30 Apr

Understanding and Helping Your Demand Avoidant Teen

Image for Understanding and Helping Your Demand Avoidant Teen

Adolescence is a whole new ball game. Children's bodies start to change, and with that comes a new set of challenges. We now know that as this happens their brains change significantly too, in ways which can be hard for young people and their parents to understand.

In this webinar, Naomi will explain adolescent brain development and will show how the interaction of adolescence and demand avoidance can make life particularly challenging. She'll give you some practical ideas as to how to help your young person (and yourself) get through these important years.

This webinar is suitable for parents of children with and without a diagnosis. It is particularly suitable for parents of children who are in early adolescence, ages 9-14, but will also be relevant to older teenagers.

Dr Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist and author. She specialises in trauma, autism and alternative appraoches to education. She is registered with the HCPC. This webinar is not therapy and should not be used as a replacement for therapy. It is a self-help informational webinar for parents.

Feedback from earlier webinars

Your webinar was hugely reassuring and managed to provide clarity on the complex, unfathomable, frustrating times we have had as a family. It sounds a massive cliche but I felt someone finally understood what our life has been like. You showed great empathy with children and families struggling with this baffling and painful situation, coming from a place of experience.

I really appreciated your messages of hope- this is a journey and we will come out the end.

After your webinar we are more able to support our daughter, speak to her special setting confidently & already supported better decision making with her needs at the centre.

Video Introduction

Frequently Asked Questions

This webinar is hosted on Zoom. Please make sure you have Zoom installed. We will email you a reminder 2 hours before the event and 10 minutes before, with the Zoom meeting link

Yes, if you choose the webinar + recording option you can watch it in your own time, up to 30 days after the webinar

We'll send a link by the morning after the webinar

You can watch the recording for 30 days after the webinar
