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Courses → Anxiety


We all feel anxious sometimes. We worry about whether we will get all our work done, or whether we might get a speeding ticket for going past that camera at 36 mph. We worry about what will happen to our children when they grow up. Anxiety is a part of human existence. We need it, it urges us to think carefully and not to rush into things.

Sometimes, however, anxiety goes beyond what is helpful. It can become a constant hum in our heads. We can feel unable to sit down or to concentrate, because we are so wound up. We can become highly distressed, because the feelings are so unpleasant and relentless.

When this happens to a child or teenager, it can affect the whole family. They often want to avoid their anxiety because it feels horrible, and then that can become a trap. Avoiding our feelings means they get more intense, and so the world gets smaller and smaller.

In my webinars and courses, I explain anxiety and how it works. I’ll outline some ways in which families can manage anxiety, so that their children can grow and thrive.

Anxiety - A Guide for Teenagers

Image for Anxiety - A Guide for Teenagers
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

This mini-course for teenagers to watch by themselves is about what anxiety is like for teenagers, and how sometimes the things we do to try and make anxiety better, end up making it worse. It has some clips from Jenna, who is 18 and who has lots of experience of anxiety. She’ll tell you about what helped her and how she’s manages to live the life that she wants to live.

Helping Your Teen With Anxiety

Image for Helping Your Teen With Anxiety
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Many teenagers are anxious, and their parents don't know how to help. Worries about school, worries about friends, anxiety which just seems overwhelming - what's going on? Naomi will explain how anxiety works and how brains change in adolescence. She'll go on to explain why adolescents are often anxious - and give parents some ideas as to how to help their teen.

Helping Your Autistic Child With Anxiety

Image for Helping Your Autistic Child With Anxiety
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Many autistic children are anxious. Dr Naomi Fisher, clinical psychologist, will help you understand some of the reasons and will show you some ways you might be able to support your child. You will leave with a better understanding of what might be going on, and some ideas as to how you as the parent can help. 

Helping Your Autistic Teen with Anxiety

Image for Helping Your Autistic Teen with Anxiety
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Why are so many autistic teenagers anxious - and what can parents do to help? Gain understanding, insight and practical tips in this mini-course by Dr Naomi Fisher. 

Fabulous course. You’re very good knowing what our questions are going to beHelping Your Child Recover From Trauma And Loss attendee

Helping Your Autistic Child with Trauma

Image for  Helping Your Autistic Child with Trauma
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Living with your autistic child is like walking on eggshells. They sleep badly, they cling to you and they have extreme reactions to seemingly small events. They are very scared of particular things, and you aren't really sure why.   Naomi will explain how trauma affects the brain - and why understanding trauma in autism requires us to look beyond major traumatic events to understand the person's individual experience.

Helping Your Child with Anxiety (under 8s)

Image for Helping Your Child with Anxiety (under 8s)
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

In this practical and engaging course, Dr Naomi Fisher, clinical psychologist, will help you understand the developmental changes of early childhood. She'll show you how anxiety works, and how parents can make a difference. You'll understand your child better, and therefore be better able to help.  

Helping Your Child with Anxiety (ages 6-13)

Image for Helping Your Child with Anxiety (ages 6-13)
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

In this course, Dr Naomi Fisher will explain the developmental changes going on between the ages of 6 and 13. She'll explain how anxiety works, how children can get stuck, and what parents can do to help. This course is suitable for all children who experience anxiety, whether they have a diagnosis or not.

Helping Your Child with Severe Anxiety

Image for Helping Your Child with Severe Anxiety
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Some children and young people seem to withdraw from life. Their anxiety becomes so severe that anything which might have helped seemed to make things worse. They may find it hard to come out of the bedrooms or to leave the house. Parents are left not knowing what to do next. Naomi will help you to think about severe anxiety through the lens of the nervous system and give you some practical ideas to help your child.

thank you for your work and the very heartful & down-to-earth approach you have to these difficult topics - your courses are helping me a lot!Course attendee

Helping Your Child with Learning Disabilities with Anxiety

Image for Helping Your Child with Learning Disabilities with Anxiety
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Many children with learning disabilities are anxious - but those around them might not recognise this as anxiety. They're unlikely to say 'I'm worried' but instead will show us their feelings through their behaviour. Behaviour which can be hard to manage. Naomi explains how anxiety works and give you practical ideas to reduce anxiety and help your children thrive. It is suitable for parents of children with learning disabilities or global developmental delay.

Helping Your Autistic Child With Transitions

Image for Helping Your Autistic Child With Transitions
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Life is full of transitions - and many autistic children find them really difficult - which means that their parents find them hard too. Life can feel like walking on eggshells. Dr. Naomi Fisher will help you gain a new understanding of why transitions are so hard, what makes it worse - and how to help.  

Helping Your Autistic Child With OCD

Image for Helping Your Autistic Child With OCD
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Dr Naomi Fisher will explain OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and how it can interact with autism. She'll describe how parents and children can fall into OCD traps, and what to do to get out. She'll give you some ideas to help your child, even if they themselves don't think that there's a problem.

After School: Helping Your Autistic Child Move On from School Trauma

Image for After School: Helping Your Autistic Child Move On from School Trauma
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

In this mini course Naomi will talk about school trauma, how it occurs, what makes it worse and how parents can help. You'll leave with a new understanding of what has gone on for your child, why they are still affected by the past, and some ideas of what to do. This course will combine psychological theory with practical strategies and ideas.

These courses are AMAZING!! They have helped us so much. Course attendee

Helping Your Child Recover From Trauma And Loss

Image for Helping Your Child Recover From Trauma And Loss
Dr Naomi Fisher  £40.00

Dr Naomi Fisher, clinical psychologist, will share with you how trauma and loss affect children and what their parents can do to help. With various handouts to download and extra audios, this course is a comprehensive and practical resource to help you support your child.

EOTAS: What to Expect

Image for EOTAS: What to Expect
Dr Abigail Fisher  £40.00

EOTAS is a provision for students whose needs cannot be met within a traditional school setting, and is a bespoke, individualised education. In this course, Dr Abigail Fisher, educational psychologist, will help you understand the process, benefits, potential costs and unexpected challenges of EOTAS.  

Dr Naomi Fisher


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